The Evolution of the Truck
When we first started browsing for trucks; we couldn’t find a truck that would fit our needs for our vision. Many had unnecessary equipment, too small, too big, too old. There were so many obstacles. It was because of this that we decided to design our own truck. By all means, we are crafting our own desserts so we thought we should also design our own space so it’s exactly what we needed. This however was quite intimidating. A dessert truck? How would we even begin? The thought was exciting but overwhelming. Once we found the perfect truck, the designing began and everyday we get to watch our dreams become a reality. Wandering Sweets has evolved to be a vision that brought us all together and made lasting memories in its creation. Memories we will treasure. My hope is that the truck will bring lasting memories to your family as well with the distribution of some sweet treats and fun filled days in the summer sun.
Wander with us.